Public Art Commissions

Sitting with Jane, Wild in Art, Basingstoke

Tails in Wales, Wild in Art, Cardiff

Cirencester Hare Trail, Cotswolds

Grand Norwich Duck Race, Norwich

Stars on Canvas, Willow Foundation, London

Worcester Stands Tall, Wild in Art, Worcester

Lets Go Quackers, Ironbridge & Southwater, Telford

Ashford Snowdogs, Wild in Art, Ashford 

Wallabies Gone Wild, Wild in Art, Isle of Man

Elmer’s Big Parade Plymouth, Wild in Art, Plymouth

Oor Wullie’s Big Bucket Trail, Wild in Art, Aberdeen

Elmer’s Great North Parade, Wild in Art, Tyne and Wear

Moor Otters 2021, Dartmoor

Elmer’s Big Heart of Kent Parade, W.I.A, Maidstone

Glimpse The Imp, Lincoln

Burton Swans, Burton

Octopus Ahoy, Essex

Big Trunk Trail, Wild in Art, Luton

Amazing Morph, Wild in Art, London

 Bluebells - public sculpture commission

Bluebell Way, Goring, West Sussex.

Squishy Hugs

Soft sculptures and huggable commissions


Fun creative workshops for children and adults.

All ages and abilities catered for

1-1 or group sessions, tailored to your wishes.

Painting, doodle art, sculpture, fabric based art,  art with recyclables,  self-portraits... and more!

For further information please get in touch. 


Artist in Residence

Oak Grove College, Worthing

Two very enjoyable terms spent exploring colour, texture, space and fun in the outdoors

Large outdoor site specific sculptures

Working with teenagers with special needs.

Traci Moss... 07578857469